PyREM package

pyrem.task module Contains the main unit of execution in PyREM, the task.

class pyrem.task.Task

Bases: object

Abstract class, the main unit of execution in PyREM.

If you would like to define your own type of Task, you should at least implement the _start, _wait, _stop, and _reset methods.

Every task that gets started will be stopped on Python exit, as long as that exit can be caught by the atexit module (e.g. pressing Ctrl+C will be caught, but sending SIGKILL will not be caught).



Subclasses of Task should store all of their results in this field and document what the possible return values are.


Start a task.

This function depends on the underlying implementation of _start, which any subclass of Task should implement.

Parameters:wait (bool) – Whether or not to wait on the task to finish before returning from this function. Default False.
Raises:RuntimeError – If the task has already been started without a subsequent call to reset().

Wait on a task to finish and stop it when it has finished.

Raises:RuntimeError – If the task hasn’t been started or has already been stopped.
Returns:The return_values of the task.

Stop a task immediately.

Raises:RuntimeError – If the task hasn’t been started or has already been stopped.

Reset a task.

Allows a task to be started again, clears the return_values.

Raises:RuntimeError – If the task has not been stopped.
class pyrem.task.SubprocessTask(command, quiet=False, return_output=False, shell=False, require_success=False)

Bases: pyrem.task.Task

A task to run a command as a subprocess on the local host.

This process will be killed when this task is stopped. The return code of the process will be stored in return_values['retcode'].

  • command (list of str) – The command to execute.
  • quiet (bool) – If True, the output of this command is not printed. Default False.
  • return_output (bool) –

    If True, the output of this command will be saved in return_values['stdout'] and return_values['stderr'] when the subprocess is allowed to finish (i.e. when it is waited on instead of being stopped). Default False.

    quiet and return_output shouldn’t both be true.

  • shell (bool) – If True, allocate a shell to execute the process. See: subprocess.Popen. Default False.
  • require_success (bool) – If True and if this task is waited on instead of being stopped, raises a RuntimeError if the subprocess has a return code other than 0. Default False.
class pyrem.task.RemoteTask(host, command, quiet=False, return_output=False, kill_remote=True)

Bases: pyrem.task.SubprocessTask

A task to run a command on a remote host over ssh.

Any processes started on the remote host will be killed when this task is stopped (unless kill_remote=False is specified).

return_values['retcode'] will contain the return code of the ssh command, which should currently be ignored.

  • host (str) – The host to run on.
  • command (list of str) – The command to execute.
  • quiet (bool) – See SubprocessTask.
  • return_output (bool) – See SubprocessTask.
  • kill_remote (bool) – If True, all processes started on the remote server will be killed when this task is stopped.
class pyrem.task.Parallel(tasks)

Bases: pyrem.task.Task

A task that executes several given tasks in parallel.

Currently does not capture the return_values of the underlying tasks, this will be fixed in the future.

Parameters:tasks (list of Task) – Tasks to execute.
class pyrem.task.Sequential(tasks)

Bases: pyrem.task.Task

A tasks that executes several given tasks in sequence.

Currently does not capture the return_values of the underlying tasks, this will be fixed in the future.

Parameters:tasks (list of Task) – Tasks to execute. module Contains classes for managing remote hosts.

The Host object is a simple wrapper around various sorts of Tasks.


Bases: object

Abstract class, an object representing some host.



The name of the host.

run(command, **kwargs)

Build a task to run the command on a remote host.

  • command (list of str) – The command to execute.
  • **kwargs – Keyword args to be passed to the underlying Task‘s init method.

The resulting task.

Return type:




A remote host.

Parameters:hostname (str) – The hostname of the remote host.
run(command, **kwargs)

Run a command on the remote host.

This is just a wrapper around RemoteTask(self.hostname, ...)

send_file(file_name, remote_destination=None, **kwargs)

Send a file to a remote host with rsync.

  • file_name (str) – The relative location of the file on the local host.
  • remote_destination (str) – The destination for the file on the remote host. If None, will be assumed to be the same as file_name. Default None.
  • **kwargs – Passed to SubprocessTask‘s init method.

The resulting task.

Return type:


get_file(file_name, local_destination=None, **kwargs)

Get a file from a remote host with rsync.

  • file_name (str) – The relative location of the file on the remote host.
  • local_destination (str) – The destination for the file on the local host. If None, will be assumed to be the same as file_name. Default None.
  • **kwargs – Passed to SubprocessTask‘s init method.

The resulting task.

Return type:




The local host.

run(command, **kwargs)
move_file(file_name, destination, **kwargs)

Move a file on the local host.

  • file_name (str) – The relative location of the file.
  • destination (str) – The relative destination of the file.
  • **kwargs – Passed to SubprocessTask‘s init method.

The resulting task.

Return type:


pyrem.utils module Contains useful utilities to be used in other modules.


Function decorator to make function synchronized on self._lock.

If the first argument to the function (hopefully self) does not have a _lock attribute, then this decorator does nothing.